Friday, March 20, 2009

A BERRY Good Habit

It is official...Spring has sprung and that means that fabulous spring and summer fruits are coming into season, this includes fresh berries. Berries are a considered a superfood because they are power-packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are one of the body’s inner warriors, they fight harmful free radicals that cause cell damage and can lead to degenerative diseases such as cancer. Free radical damage results in pre-mature aging as well. Free radicals are produced several ways, including through the environment and they are produced in the body as a result of exercise. The more you exercise, the more free radicals your body produces. Wow! Can you believe that something BAD can come out of something as GOOD as exercise. Do not take this wrong. This is not to say that we should all stop running and working out. Oh NO! The benefits of exercise far out weigh the negatives. What is vital is good nutrition in conjunction with exercise.

A daily eating plan that is rich in vitamin, minerals, and anti-oxidants is key. Since berries are some of the most anti-oxidant rich foods on the planet, it is a great idea to incorporate them into your meals and snacks each week, if not each day. Consider buying the actual fruit or a product made from the fruit at your next trip to the farmer’s market or grocery store: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black berries, mulberries, marion berries, gogi berries, acai berries, etc. Incorporate berries into a mixed greens or spinach salad, smoothies, a top yogurt or cottage cheese, in a fruit salad, or a top hot or cold cereal.

If you are interested in learning more about proper nutrition and healthy eating, then you will want to RSVP to attend the upcoming FREE webinar:

Nutrition Myth Busters: Dispelling the Myths and Telling the Truth about Good Nutrition.

Thursday March 26th at 7pm PST/8pm MST. To RSVP email or 800.775.0712 ext 7015.

To Your Best Health,

Melissa Guthrie
BSc Nutritional Science
BSc Exercise Physiology
ACE Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
New Leaf Certified Metabolic Technician
Healthy Cooking Enthusiast

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Monday, March 09, 2009

Food Cravings: Kick Unhealthy Cravings to the Curb

I, myself, was once plagued with unhealthy food cravings. I remember as a child I had a nearly insatiable craving for fast food & candy. Every day I wanted to eat out for lunch or dinner at places like Wendy’s (oh how I loved the breaded chicken sandwich and biggie fries), Pete’s Fish ‘n Chips (I couldn’t get enough of the shrimp ‘n chips), Filiberto’s bean & cheese burrito or mixed burrito were favorites as well. Breakfast usually was some type of sugary cereal and then on the way to school I would beg my Mom to stop by Circle K or 7-11 so I could get a bag of Skittles or Starbursts. As soon as school let out, my friends and I would walk to Circle K or 7-11 for a Slurpee and more candy. I just craved this type of food all the time. YUCK! The thought of it now makes my stomach do flip-flops. I cannot tell you the last time I ate out at a fast-food establishment like those I just mentioned or the last time I ate candy. For me those once unhealthy food cravings are a thing of the past.

I now crave vegetables – HONEST, I do. I crave wholesome, fresh foods including hearty whole grains, garden fresh vegetable, bountiful fruits, and lean & clean protein. I was able to overcome these unhealthy cravings and subsequent habits by practicing some basic healthy eating principles. It took some effort & diligence, but the FOOD Freedom I enjoy now is worth it all and then some. If I can do it you can do it!

I’ve had countless clients who once thought they’d never be able to overcome the cravings for unhealthy foods. They have all been amazed at how quickly they are able to kick those cravings to the curb by just implementing a few simple healthy eating principles I teach.

If you find yourself craving lots of sugary, sweet treats or salty, crunchy snacks or deep-fried, cheesy, greasy foods, then listen up! Cravings for unhealthy foods are your body trying to tell you it is not getting enough good, high quality foods that it really needs. It is not getting Balanced Nutrition. You may be asking why the body would crave unhealthy foods when it really needs the healthy stuff. The craving mechanism is predominately triggered by nutrient deficiencies, insufficient caloric intake, and low blood sugar levels. Cravings typically play out one of three ways – sweets, salty, fatty/greasy. The more we give into these cravings and attempt to satisfy them with the junky foods, the more we train and condition the body to CRAVE these nutritional dead-beats.

Unhealthy cravings can be kicked to the curb by:

1. Fueling the body every 3 to 4 hours with healthy well balanced meals/snacks and never skipping meals, especially breakfast.

2. Making sure each meal/snack has a balance of carbohydrate, protein, & healthy fat.

3. Eating a wide variety of healthy foods each week in order to make sure you’re getting the full spectrum of vitamins & minerals the body requires.

4. Give the body what it really requires – if you are craving something sweet, rather than grabbing a cookie, have a sweet piece of fruit & a string cheese or a few raw almonds.

For more on healthy eating.....

Balanced Nutrition Webinar

When: Thursday March 12th

Time: 11:00AM AZ time ( 2 pm EST) OR 7pm AZ Time (10 pm EST)

Where: Wherever you are - its a Webinar!

Instructor: Melissa Guthrie, Nutrition Coach/Personal Trainer

Seating is limited so RSVP right away via email or 800.775.0712 ext 7015. When You RSVP, you must specify which time you want to attend, then the dial-in details will be sent to you.

To Your Best Health,

Melissa Guthrie

BSc Nutritional Science

BSc Exercise Physiology

ACE Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor

New Leaf Certified Metabolic Technician


Healthy Cooking Enthusiast

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Balanced Nutrition: Do You Have It?

Balance is an important ideal. Most of us want to have a healthy balance of our time between things such as work or career, relationships (family and friends), recreation and hobbies, etc. We want to have a balanced checkbook. In order to walk from point a to point b we require balance or we’d topple over. And throughout our lives we’ve heard about how important having a balanced diet is to our health. Well, anyone who knows me knows I am not a fan of the word “DIET”, so I very rarely use it. When I am coaching clients on improving their nutrition, we talk about BALANCED NUTRITION.

Most of our American friends eat any way but BALANCED. With the skyrocketing obesity amongst all age groups and the 400, 000 plus people that die prematurely each year as a result of diseases directly related to poor nutrition and lack of physical exercise, I wonder if very many people even know what BALANCED NUTRITION looks like? I can tell you that it doesn’t look like how the majority of America eats. I know there is a gap between knowing and doing. People may know what to do, but for whatever reason are not doing it OR people may just be ignorant as to how to eat healthily and care for their precious, priceless bodies. It is true that we aren't born with a "how to care for.." tag attached, unlike those new jeans I just bought. Regardless, I am here to shed some light on Balanced Nutrition.

Most American’s are taking in far more calories then they are expending, hence the obesity epidemic. In order to achieve an ideal body weight, a person must BALANCE energy intake with energy output. To achieve optimal health and fitness, a person must balance eating the right foods, in the right amounts, at the right times. At the each meal there should be a balance of the three macronutrients – Carbohydrates, Protein, & Fat. When the macronutrients are balanced appropriately at each meal and throughout the day, the result is great energy all day, little to no craving for unhealthy foods, a feeling of satiety, and steady blood sugar levels.

If you are “ready and willing” to bridge the gap between knowing and doing and to become more nutritionally BALANCED, then read on....

Balanced Nutrition: Do You Have It?

Without Practicing Proper Nutrition Principles In Your Daily Life, Your Fitness Goals Will Be Difficult If Not Impossible To Achieve.

Imagine A Simple Way To Eat Healthy, Delicious Foods At The Right Times, In The Right Amounts In Order To Achieve Optimal Health & Look Fantastic! Whether You Are A Busy Business Professional, A Mom Always On-The-Go, A High School/College Student, An Athlete In Training, or Living The Retirement Lifestyle We Can Show You How To…

Begin Your Journey To A Healthy Way of Eating For A LIFETIME!

Balanced Nutrition Webinar
When: Thursday March 12th
Time: 11:00AM AZ time (1pm EST) OR 7pm AZ Time (9pm EST)
Where: Wherever you are - its a Webinar!
Instructor: Melissa Guthrie, Nutrition Coach/Personal Trainer

Seating is limited so RSVP right away via email or 800.775.0712 ext 7015. When You RSVP, you must specify which time you want to attend, then the dial-in details will be sent to you.

March is National Nutrition Month - Stay tuned for more fun and education, webinars and
workshops through out the month.

To Your Best Health,
Melissa Guthrie
MBS Development Group
Nutrition Coach/Fitness Trainer
Tel: 800.775.0712 ext 7015
Eat Right. Train Smart. Live Well.

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