Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Do You Have a Perfect Pre-Exercise Food?

What is your perfect pre-exercise food or mid-run fuel source?

For some of you it is gel or gu, while others prefer sports drinks, sports candy (like Sport Beans or Shark Bites), or bars. Many folks are not able to use these standard sports products due to sensitive digestive systems, and others choose not to use them for a variety of reasons. If you are someone looking for an all natural pre- or mid- exercise fuel source, then consider dried fruit. Dried fruit is easy to consume, easy to digest, and travels easily in a gym bag, fuel belt or pocket.

San Diego State University researchers found that runners who consumed raisins 45 minutes prior to endurance exercise got performance benefits similar to those who consumed energy gels. Dried fruits are smart fuel during a run, as they are easy to digest and provide working muscles a quick influx of carbohydrate energy.

Note: Dried fruits are more calorie dense than fresh. For example, a cup of grapes has 62 calories vs. 434 calories in a cup of raisins.

For a big pre-exercise energy boost give the following a shot: Raisins, Craisins, Mixed Dried Fruit, Dried Apricots, Dried Mango or Dried Pineapple.

To Your Best Health,

Melissa Guthrie
Triumph Training
Nutrition Coach & Fitness Trainer

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At 2:25 PM, Blogger karen@fitnessjourney said...

Great tip, one I've never heard before. I love craisins.


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